Selasa, 01 Januari 2013


School                            : SMP 1 Widasari
Class/ Semester              : IX
Text                                : Narrative,Recount
Topic                              : Rock Music
Skill                                : Reading
Time Allotment              : 2 X 40 minutes
Meeting                           : 1

A.    Competence Standard :
11. Understanding the meaning of functional oral text and very simple short monologue in from of Narrative and Recount to interact with the nearest environment.

B.     Basic Competence
11.3 Responding to the meaning and rhetorical steps of every simple short written functional text accurately in relation to the nearest environment in form of recount.

C.     Character Building
1. Diligence
2. Enthusiasm
3. Respect
4. Trustworthiness

D.    Indicators
1. Answering questions about information which they have read on narrative text .
2. Know the characteristic of a narrative  text.
Know the main idea and supporting idea in the form of the narrative  text.

E.     Instructional
At the end of the class, the student are be able to :
1. Answering questions about information which they have read on narrative text .
2.  Know the characteristic of a narrative  text.
Know the main idea and supporting idea in the form of the narrative  text.

F.      Learning Resource

1. Genre of the text : narrative text

                                                 ROCK MUSIC

Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened on almost every countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the  music that developed in the early 1950’s. it is believed that the term ‘’rock and roll’’ was first used by a disk jockey Alan Freed.
        in 1955,records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, where hard across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley’s singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll over the world. Then came Bill Haley and the comets. Rock Mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound, and its lyrics.
      The 1970’s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became very big business, earned more money anualy than any other from of entertainment including the film industry.

                                                   (taken from  the book of knowledge 2007)

2.  Social function
 To retell event for the purpose of information

3. Focuses on specific participants uses material
 a. detailed description (rock end roll, Elvis Presley, style)
 b. Time connective (early, after)


Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened on almost every countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the  music that developed in the early 1950’s. it is believed that the term ‘’rock and roll’’ was first used by a disk jockey Alan Freed.
        in 1955,records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, where hard across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley’s singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll over the world. Then came Bill Haley and the comets. Rock Mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound, and its lyrics.
      The 1970’s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became very big business, earned more money anualy than any otherfrom of entertainment including the film industry.

                                                   (taken from  the book of knowledge 2007)

Comprehension question
Answer some question related to the text below!
1.      Where is rock music played and listen to?
2.      What happened after Elvis Presley appeared on the nation-wide television?
3.      What happened in the 1970’s?
4.      Who emerged after Elvis?

G.    Teaching methods/Technique
1. Discussion
2. Question answer
3. Game

H.    Classroom Activities

A.    Pre-activities
(5 minutes)
-          Greatings
‘’assalamualaikum class’’Goodmorning!
-          Teacher and the student  say a prayer
-          Teacher checks’ student attendance.
Who absent to day?’’
-          The teacher give students texts
‘’ Ok,students,do you have got the texts? Yes, let’s we read silent together.
-          The teacher informs the students about the lesson objectives on that day and activities  that will be conducted.
‘’ well, today we are going to learn about narrative text.
-          Religiousity
-          courtesy
Main Activities
  ( 10 minutes)
-          the teacher explains the narrative structure and language features of recount on the copy.
‘’ Ok ,Class! Pay attention to my explanation the purpose of narrative text is tell time by the time……’’
-          teacher and the student identify  the text.
‘’Lets identify the first paragraph of the text together ,which  one are time connective and detailed description?
-          The teacher explain to the students want to do with the text
‘’Now, I want you to work individually, read carefully .the last answer the question corectly.
-          The teacher checks students’ understanding of the instruction given .
‘’Let’s check your understanding. Ok, Riszky, tell me what you should do with the text?
please repeat my instruction ! ‘’Good’’
-          The students read the text abd answer the question.
-          The students answer related to the text.
-          The teacher guides the activities by checking and looking around the class room .
-          The student swap their text to each other
‘’ finish students?Good!Now please swap your text with your partner beside you!
Let’s discuss the correct answer together .
Ok’’,lets’ check your answer .
-          The student hand in their text to the teacher.
‘’well,it,s time to collect your tex. Please collect them  on my desk now!

-          Respect
-          Critical thinking
-          Enthusiasm
Closing activities
   (5 minutes)

-          The teacher check the students’ understanding of recount text by delivering some question.
‘’So students, what is the text about? Who are they? What years was?
-          The teacher give feedback toward students’ answer.
‘’ Yes, Excellent! I will give you chocolate ! who is the famoust artist on the text.
-          The teacher summarize today lesson by inviting  student’s participation.
‘’well, who wants to summarize today’s lesson?
what we have learned today?

I.       Learning Sources
1.      Paper

a)      Assessment
1.      Identifying detail information from the text
 Written test
Please analyse the time carefully!
2.      Answering questions about information which they have read on recount text
Written text
1.      Please answer the question related to the text below!
(4 questions)
Where is rock music played and listen to?
2.      What happened after Elvis Presley appeared on the nation-wide television?
3.      What happened in the 1970’s?
4.      Who emerged after Elvis?

Scoring Rubic
1. Comprehension

True answer
False answer
Maximum Score for each group

Attitude Scoring Rubic

True answer X 10 : 4 = 10

Key Answer

-          Answer :

1.      on almost every countries in the world.
2.      Elvis Presley’s singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll over the world.
3.      Rock became very big business.
4.      Bill Haley and the comets.

Indramayu,20th 2012

Harno Diyansyah
Npm : 882030109043 

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