Language Teaching Research

View of
village community to institute English
Harno Diyansyah
Language Teaching Research 2012
NPM : 882030109043
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- November 5, 2012

Language teaching research
© The Author(s)2012
Re print and permission : HBC
NPM : 882030109043
Wiralodra University
View of village community to institute English course
© The Author(s)2012
Re print and permission : HBC
NPM : 882030109043
Wiralodra University
View of village community to institute English course
Harno Diyansyah
wiralodra university, Indramayu
wiralodra university, Indramayu
This article tells about how the
villager’s look English course institution, and how far the villager’s
participation in join their children to
English course institution. the writer formulated the billboard calls
about the importance of the English language for the child's future.
Which was in 2015 trade inter Asia and Europe release (metro news).
Eli Heckscher and Benil Ohiin view that trade
international is due to the difference in wealth factor
owned states (Heckscher, Eli and Bcrtil Ohiin.: 1991)
As for the education level of the community in terms of education indramayu, Indramayu district educational inequality still having problems. Figures old school in a small village reached only 6.99 years, this figure shows the inequality of education
(deni / whereas until now a days interest to enroll their children in following English courses remains low.
Which was in 2015 trade inter Asia and Europe release (metro news).
Eli Heckscher and Benil Ohiin view that trade
international is due to the difference in wealth factor
owned states (Heckscher, Eli and Bcrtil Ohiin.: 1991)
As for the education level of the community in terms of education indramayu, Indramayu district educational inequality still having problems. Figures old school in a small village reached only 6.99 years, this figure shows the inequality of education
(deni / whereas until now a days interest to enroll their children in following English courses remains low.
Keywords : villager,
indramayu, course institution, international trade.
I Introduction
One is entering the 21st
century wave globalisation felt strong
and open. progress
technology and changes provide new realization that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia is in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
this is can be fact from Indonesian curriculum has to be a English subject as one of important subject same with bahasa Indonesia and mathematic .
technology and changes provide new realization that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia is in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
this is can be fact from Indonesian curriculum has to be a English subject as one of important subject same with bahasa Indonesia and mathematic .
English course is a
institution to guide the student know about English language .
Now days many course
institution in Indramayu, but the society still have low interest in this
institution , the reason are so complex ,start from economic reason, the
children have to work their parent to be a farmers, seller, pluck the mango fruits
end etc.
Beside that if we want to know
about the effectiveness Indonesian education .
Effectiveness of education in
Indonesia is very low. After doing research and educational practitioners to
the field survey, one reason is the absence of a clear educational purpose
before learning activities undertaken. This led to the learners and educators
do not know the "goal" of what will be produced so as not to have a
clear picture in the educational process. Clearly this is an important issue if
we want effective teaching. How could the goal will be achieved if we do not
know what our goals.
During this time, many
considered the opinion that formal education is rated only a formality to
establish human resources in Indonesia. No matter how formal learning outcomes, the most important thing is
have doing high education levels and great considered by society. Such
assumption, too, who led the effectiveness of teaching in Indonesia is very
low. Each person possessed advantages in their respective fields and are
expected to take appropriate education talents and interests not only to be
great by others.
Education in secondary
schools, for example, someone who has the advantage in the social and forced
following IPA courses will result in a lower effective teaching than students
who follow courses that suit their talents and interests. Things are a case
that is a lot going on in Indonesia. And unfortunately prestige issue no less
important in the low effectiveness of education in Indonesia.
If we want to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, we also talked about the standardization of teaching that we take. Of course, after going through the process to determine the standards that will be taken.
If we want to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, we also talked about the standardization of teaching that we take. Of course, after going through the process to determine the standards that will be taken.
The world of education is
constantly changing. Competencies needed by the continuous changing especially
in the open world that is, in the modern world in the era of globalization. competencies
that must be owned by someone in the educational institutions must meet the
in this case the author wants to apply visual dictionary in the air learners between the ages of 8-14 at this age children still need a performative education. authors provide free courses to children in order to obtain the value of the English language better in formal schools. from there the course institutions in the village to gain the trust of parents, by the time they will realize that English as a foreign language in Indonesia is very important, where communities indramayu largely become helpers abroad that inevitably they would arrange a meeting with the people strangers from different parts of the world. reinforced by the electronic media that the news media in 2015 will be opened free trade between Asia and Europe.
in this case the author wants to apply visual dictionary in the air learners between the ages of 8-14 at this age children still need a performative education. authors provide free courses to children in order to obtain the value of the English language better in formal schools. from there the course institutions in the village to gain the trust of parents, by the time they will realize that English as a foreign language in Indonesia is very important, where communities indramayu largely become helpers abroad that inevitably they would arrange a meeting with the people strangers from different parts of the world. reinforced by the electronic media that the news media in 2015 will be opened free trade between Asia and Europe.
Learning English in elementary
school and junior high school
Differentiate learning English
in low grade and high grade associate your answer with Critical periods and
conditions of child psychology low grade and high grade Learning English in a
low class!
David Singleton (1995) stated
that learning a second language, "easier = better in the long run"
the purpose of this opinion is an example of learning a second language
English, low-grade learners will get better results and long-term. It because
the child is still in a critical period so it will be easier to learn a second
language (English). Whereas in adult critical period has passed. This course
will make adults can not be as good as the children in learning a second
language. sometimes even adults, who well beyond the critical period, may
suffer from language disorders are permanent because the ability of neural
reorganization. Examples of dialect already owned by someone adult difficult to
Should the mother tongue as the
language of instruction? if necessary, should be how?
Mother tongue as the language
of instruction is still needed. It is very helpful in communication. Because if
directly using the English language at the beginning of continuous learning
will certainly hinder communication. The use of the mother tongue can be
reduced gradually in the end only using English vocabulary so that children
grow and structure correct.
Slang / ACCENTS regionalism
How important is the role of accent in communication?
Dialect roles in communication
is not so important.
due to the different speakers
in the area of communication is the bottleneck. In communication over the
message conveyed
Can accent removed?
Relate your answer to the communication
function and the critical period!
Slang majority can not be
removed because adults have crossed the line this critical period. People who
are already beyond the critical period especially was too far away to
experience impaired ability of neural reorganization as revealed David
Singleton (1995). One such disorder is a dialect or accent.
This is to be a challenge it
self to introducing English in a villager that different culture and different
language habit are to be this research still grey.
thus the authors used direct approach to promote and motivate parents to care about education, especially language Britons who are the authors observe.
Welcome to the Parent project. The Project is a
workshop approach
to increasing parent
involvement in their children’s education. The
Parent Project began six
years ago in three of elementary schools
in response to a specific practical need. As Director of the Milwaukee Writing
Project, I was at the time working with
my parent as a teachers in an effort to
revitalize classroom instruction
through the use of
journals, portfolios, and workshop structures.
Concerns regarding parent understanding and support for the kinds of
Concerns regarding parent understanding and support for the kinds of
instructional changes
teachers were making arose with such tvgularitv
that I began to search
for a means for involving parents in the process.
The Karang taruna was, during this
same period, determined
to support a variety of efforts to increase
parent involvement in
their children’s education. Since there didn’t
seem to he any available
model for the kind of parent involvement I
envisioned, The karang
taruna encouraged now to work with
teachers and parents in order to develop such
a program.
What emerged was a
workshop approach that focused on what children were learning in the classroom,
and how this learning could he
supported at home. What
emerged was a means to strengthen the
relationship between
home and school—teacher, parent, and child.
School has changed
dramatically since many parents were there
and, if the goal of
parent involvement is to strengthen the link
between home and school,
parents need to he introduced to the revitalized school classroom.Many classroom
learning strategies experienced by children every day keeping interviewing,
book sharing. cooperative learning, response groups, publishin are
unfamiliar to these same
children’s parents. We can’t really expect
parents to nurture and
support such learning strategies if they don’t
understand what those
strategies are or how they can be supported.
For example, in one of
our initial parent workshops, invited
everyone to write or
draw for five minutes in Their journals. Alter we
were finished, I asked
for comments. Dasmin said he knew he liad
misspelled many words
and that he never could spell and it both
and him. We talked about how journal writing
didn’t need to be correct and that the freedom simply to express one’s self was
one of the advantages of keeping a journal. dasmin’s two daughters (in grades
one and three) were
keeping journals in school, and Dasmin said that
when they brought their
journals home, the first thing on his mind
when he read them was
how they were doing on their spelling.
When Dasmin was in elementary school, there was no journal
writing and good writing
meant spelling correctly and nothing
more. For Dasmin’s two
daughters, writing in school had come to be
defined so differently ,
for them, the messages of school and
home were contradictory.
As ¡ listened to Dasmin joke about his
spelling and admit his
relief at not having to worry about it when
using his journal, I
thought about how absurd it is to reform educa
tion but then to keep it
a secret from parents.
The collnterargLlment
often heard is not that school reform is a
kept secret but that
parents just won’t shoiv up to hear about it.
I have a few observations
about this. First of all, I am curious as to what hap
pens when the parent
does show up and what kind of support struc
ture is in place for
follow-up. In Milwaukee, for instance, it has been
popular to bring
husloads of parents into large auditoriums for info—
motivational seminars
where they are blamed, tantalized, and talked
at. At the end of the
day, these parents are bussed home where they
have to deal with the
everyday probiciris that have accumulated. And
that’s it. There is no
follow-up support, only a slightly bitter tomorrow.
Instead of this lack of
support. what would happen if we called
upon the most powerful
aspects of school reform to accomplish the
goal of increased parent
involvement: workshops, journals, coopera
tive groups, shared
reading, agenda building, interviewing, goal set
ting, and critical
What would happen?
Through our workshops, we have spent
years exploring the
answers to this question, working with
thousands of parents and
teachers in a wide range of settings,
including inner-city
schools, community centers, affluent and not-so-
affluent suburban
schools, as well as Chapter 1 programs. S what
did happen?
When I meet with parents
and teachers in order to discuss parent
involvement and define
the advantages of a workshop approach, I
usually begin by
conducting a workshop itself as a means of coming to
understand by doing
rather than talking about doing. After a brief
introduction of all
participants and an explanation of why we are
together, . what ever
will help them remember what they feel is important.
I then ask everyone to
pause a moment, relax, and think back to when
they were growing up.
What influence did their parents or guardians
have on their attitudes
and feelings about school and learning?
Did your parents or
care-giver actively encourage you to learn, were they neutral. or did they
discourage learning? Does one particular incident from the past couic to mind?
Can you place yourself back in this memory? Can you close your eyes for a few
minutes and try to experience this memory, this lime and place? Can you close
your eyes and go back, into this time and place?
Journey back into this
memory, Where are you? How old are you?
Who’s with you? How do
you feel? What’s happening? l-lave your feelings about this memory changed over
time? Why do you think this memory has stayed with you? What are the dimensions
of its meaning?
Now, if you will open
your eyes and take a few minutes to jot down some reactions to this visualisation
of your memory. Any words or pictures or part of irnage that come to mind.
Anything that will help you remember it.
What does your memory
have to say about the connection between
parents, schools, and
learning? What can we do to increase parents’ involvement in their children’s education?
After there lias been
sufficient time for reflection, I divide partid
ants mio small groups of
four or live people and ask them to share
their individual memory
with the other members of their group by
reading from their
journal or verbally recounting what they have
been thinking about.
When everyone has had an opportunity to
share I ask each group
to formulate some observations about what
constitutes a positive
home environment for learning and to arrive at
these observations based
on the memories of their group.
When the small groups
report back to the reformed large group.
they usually do so with
a combination of moving family history and
reasonable, clear
educational philosophy. As we hear these family
stories and the
resulting observations about how learning can be fostered and nurtured, the
significance of parent involvement becomes
all the more real.
in the discussion this time the
author would like to combine community within a community and invited to join
the editorial education workshop areas.
most of these villages are mothers where fathers are farmers and traders.
The mothers were invited to socialize, here the mothers are given little food for them at home following the workshop.
most of these villages are mothers where fathers are farmers and traders.
The mothers were invited to socialize, here the mothers are given little food for them at home following the workshop.
The present
study is how socialization effective and sustainable and I try to draw them through the
formal school institutions
trusted by seminar-consciousness about the
English language for the child's
future investments.
The first day of
socializing author brochures motivation Indonesian
people success overseas. Authors
conducted the interview by asking
Will your son or mother like those people who have been mentioned in the brochure?
How do the father or mother of the English language after reading the article?
Will your son or mother like those people who have been mentioned in the brochure?
How do the father or mother of the English language after reading the article?
After the one weak the writer socialization , the writer
check the student at the school activity and ask to the teacher who have follow
the course. And know the teacher as
supervisor in the school to control the student learn english.
Finally the writer give the
conclusion that parent have biggest
peran in student learning motivation not only English subject.
And lokakarya is the
strategist location to give the parent motivation, with the purpose are to
carry their student to follow the course institution.
And using lokakarya is the
effective place to menyaddarkan parents about how important the English language in the future.
they will feelt menyesal if menyianyiakan this opportunity.
they will feelt menyesal if menyianyiakan this opportunity.
We are very grateful to the
karang taruna angling darma and Mr.Dasmin have give us location to do my
1. We were unable to find any reference to
write our research
Heckscher, Eli dan Bertil
Ohlin. (1991). Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory, cd. by Hany Flam
dan M. June Flanders,
Cambridge: MIT Press.
Sam ,S. Warib.''n.d'' Visual
Dictionary.surabaya.CV.Pustaka Agung Harapan.
James Vopat (1995). The Parent Project: A Workshop
Approach to Parent Involvement. Columbia university : Columbia press.
Revisiting a core principle. In M. Turnbull & J. Dailey-O’Cain (Eds.),
First language use in second and
foreign language learning (pp. 15–34). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
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